The Wil Wheaton Post

I’ve already mentioned Tabletop on here recently and how they hit $1M on their Indiegogo campaign for the show, but after watching this video I realized just how many things have been going well for Mr. Wheaton and how exciting it has been watching everything fall into place.

It all started with a few recurring guest starring roles on the occasional tv show. (Well not really but going all the way back to the beginning of his career would take us too long). The most exciting for me was Big Bang Theory, because I used to watch the show religiously. In fact, every time Wil announces he’s making another appearance on the show it makes me wish I still watched it.

Around the same time that he started popping up on more tv shows, I also noticed him popping up on the Internet more (or maybe I was just paying closer attention). His appearances on the web series The Guild were some of the best episodes the show ever had (and I’ve loved that show from first episode to last). The tag team that is Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton seems pretty perfect to me, which is why it made sense that when Felicia started her YouTube channel, naturally Wil would have a part in it. Enter Tabletop, a show I at first avoided because of it’s lengthy videos, but eventually was too intriguing to avoid for long. I’m sorry I didn’t immediately jump on the bandwagon, because combing through the back catalog of episodes was harder than just watching the show when it “aired”. Now I make sure to set aside the time to play more games with Wil Wheaton and friends.

That brings us to today, where Tabletop is so successful it blew away their fundraising goal. Meanwhile, Wil has other projects floating around, most importantly his new show on SyFy Channel. Personally, I have had a long-standing boycott of said channel since it has gone downhill over the years (IMO). There were a few things that angered this young viewer, and I stuck to my guns right up until someone invited me to a viewing party for Sharknado (which I did more for the love of all things Asylum than anything). What can I say? I love a really good bad movie. I digress though…

What this post is really about is to say congratulations to Wil Wheaton for getting past his years as Wesley Crusher and surrounding himself with many wonderful successes. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m one of the few people who didn’t hate that character, but I also was about the same age when I first watched the series). I look forward to Tabletop S3 and the future RPG show. Hell, The Wil Wheaton Project sounds so good, I might just have to stop hating SyFy channel long enough to give your show a chance. In the meantime, while we’re waiting for the many eggs he’s juggling to be ready for consumption, remember to PLAY MORE GAMES and DON’T BE A DICK.

I Love Tabletop (and going on vacation)

It’s been about a week since my last post, very largely due to the fact I went on vacation. Of course stupid forgot her camera, but I will say Boston is a wonderful town to visit when you have friends to give you the grand tour. That’s how you make Boston Common more than just a park and the Cheers bar a place you force your friend to stop so you can be a tourist for 5 seconds and get a picture on your phone.

While I was on vacation, something really awesome to the nerd community happened – Wil Wheaton’s Indiegogo campaign went over the million dollar mark! It is rare I am this excited to see a project be funded so strongly. Now granted, I was on vacation and cut off from the world for a bit, but doing a cursory search on the interwebz shows me that this news has not been published nearly as much as when Amanda Palmer had similar success with her Kickstarter. I know nerds can be loud when they want to be, so it bums me out that people don’t recognize how huge a deal this is. It’s not like Wheaton had the power of Neil Gaiman to help spread the word about this. He just had a community of nerds scrambling together to make their corner of the internet a little better. Don’t get me wrong, I have no ill feelings toward Palmer or Gaiman. On the contrary, Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors and I’ve enjoyed Palmer’s music since The Dresden Dolls were a thing. I’m just a little disappointed this didn’t seem to get the same press…

Thanks for being patient with this filler post. Things go back to normal now that I’m back. I’ll probably have a real post for you in a day or two but undecided if it’s going to be music or tv related as of yet. In the meantime, feel free to comment on anything I had to say here. (Especially if I’m wrong and was just living in a hole for a week). I welcome anyone to tell me to “shut the f— up in the nicest way possible. Until next time, PLAY MORE GAMES.