RIP Phillip Seymour Hoffman

I’m sure we all heard the news yesterday as it swept the internet – Phillip Seymour Hoffman was found dead in his apartment in the West Village (NYC). He was 46 years old. The cause of death was suspected to be a drug overdose, heroin to be specific. He was found with the needle still in his arm.

I found this out because of several posts about it on Facebook, and it broke my heart. I didn’t know the man personally, and rarely ever get saddened by a famous person’s death, but this one was different for some reason. I’ve seen many of Hoffman’s movies, but the one that sticks out in my mind the most was his award-winning role in Capote. Let me preface this by saying I have had a copy of “In Cold Blood” sitting on my bookshelf for quite some time, but have never gotten around to reading it until recently. It was given to me by a friend who was moving and wanted to have less stuff that needed to be tucked away into boxes. I took it and a couple other items, but never got around to actually reading them.

My second preface in this story is that a lot of the movies I watch have been sitting in my Netflix Instant queue for quite some time before they get viewed. Usually I finally get around to watching them because Netflix is about to take them off Instant. This was the case with Capote. I’m sorry I didn’t watched it sooner, because I believe it is one of the best films I have ever seen in my short little lifetime. This was thanks very largely to Hoffman’s chilling portrayal of the title character. After finishing the movie, I immediately picked up my copy of “In Cold Blood,” and have not been able to put it down since. I also looked up the other works that Hoffman has been in and realized I had seen quite a few of them already without realizing it (or at least without making the connection). Maybe I just never cared who he was until the Oscars, which is a shame because he is brilliant. This is the same reason it was sad to see him die so young. Whether the person is famous or not it’s always said to see a life ended too soon, but it’s even harder when you think about what they could have done with the time that was stolen from them. The fact that it was something like a drug overdose also makes me angry, because that means you let an addiction to a terrible thing control your life. I’m sorry to see him go, and I’m sorry for the reasons.

I had to keep myself off the internet for the rest of the day after hearing the news. This is my first time on in about 24 hours. I needed the time to process everything and also not let it get me down. I still can’t completely wrap my brain around it, but at least I hopefully spit out a coherent post. Sorry if it’s just a bunch of rambles. Equally sorry if it’s a bummer compared to my usually upbeat self, but it’s something I needed to do so I could move on without it hovering over me all day. Now I keep on living with the silent prayer for the family he left behind. They are the ones hurt most by this, and even though it is none of my business and outside of my control, I still am sorry anyone has to go through that, and I hope it gets better soon.