Promotions in the Twitter Age

We all should have noticed by now how much Twitter has taken up of our lives. Not only do we use it as another social networking tool with friends, we also can get news and promotions information by following musical artists and news sources we want to stay connected to. LiveNation is using this in a new and interesting way, however. They are currently doing a scavenger hunt that encourages members to follow them on Twitter by offering a lawn season pass at the venue closest to the winner. I don’t know about anyone else, but this definitely persuaded me to join the ranks of LiveNation followers. I don’t have high hopes for winning, but I’ll probably continue following them regardless in the hopes there will be other promotions like this. Whatever happens it will be interesting to see just how successful this venture of theirs actually is. One thing is for certain, TweetDeck will definitely get a lot of use tomorrow.