Doctor Who S11Ep1 – The Woman Who Fell to Earth

Warning: there will be spoilers abound in all my Doctor Who reviews. Continue at your own risk.

After what seemed like forever, we finally got to meet the new Doctor this past Sunday, and… I have no words other than BRILLIANT. I mean, just look at her running around in Capaldi’s old close, looking a bit mad.

That’s her making a new sonic out of scraps she finds on Earth because she’s brilliant and can do anything.

In case you can’t tell, I really loved our Lady Doctor and the episode she gets introduced in. Throughout the extended season premiere we get to meet who will become the new companions as they get sucked into a mystery involving what else but aliens and the Doctor. I think my favorite of all of them was Grace, who unfortunately does not make it to the end of the episode. As Ryan points out in his ending video to his YouTube followers, she died the way she lived – helping people.

The companions we are left with are nothing to sneeze at, however. I love how Ryan is curious and unafraid from the start, but feels bad when he realizes his curiosity maybe got people hurt. I hope he keeps being curious while maybe being a little smarter about it in the future.

Then there’s Yasmin (Yas to her friends), the rookie police officer who wants something more exciting than parking disputes and gets a little more than she bargained for. She’s another one who is prime companion material – looking for a challenge and a way to make a difference.

Finally there’s Graham, who reluctantly goes along with everything even though he doesn’t even believe in aliens at first, and if they do exist they certainly aren’t in Sheffield. I love his skepticism, and I love his faith that the bus drivers will know if anything weird is going on (which he’s not wrong), and I love the fact he goes along with things no matter how doubtful or scared he is of this very unfamiliar situation. I look forward to him going waaaaay outside his comfort zone while he travels across the stars.

I could keep going, but there is not a single moment of this episode I did not wholeheartedly love. I think Jodie Whittaker is perfect as the Doctor so far, and I think she has the perfect companions for her version of the Doctor. I love that she’s just as confused by her situation as we are. She wants to know who she is and where her TARDIS went just as much as we do. I love that rush of adrenaline as she’s facing the Big Bad that finally jolts her memory. I love the speech that is both classic and unique where she reveals “I’m the Doctor” before defending the Earth yet again from an alien threat. I love everything about what I watched Sunday, and cannot wait to get to know her better. She is my Doctor, and I will follow her to the edges of time and space for as long as she asks me to.