To Spoil, or not to Spoil… That is the Question

I owe you a photo post from the Narc Twain show I went to and an introduction to the record label I’m working with now, but I just got into two conversations about spoilers (mostly regarding Star Wars but it’s a hot topic in general) and I want to get this rage post out of my system so I can enjoy the rest of my day.

This all started with a friend on Facebook announcing he was planning on seeing Star Wars on opening night and THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. He suggested that if people don’t like it they can just stay off the internet. I pointed out how unrealistic this was in today’s society, and his friend proceeded to rage at me all the reasons I was WRONG. We went back and forth for a bit before I finally accepted the fact he would never see my viewpoint and quietly backed down. I then had almost the same exact conversation with a group of friends on another Facebook thread, but way more civil and less RAGEY. Which is good because I was ready to ragequit the internet for the next two weeks in an effort to avoid both spoilers and the assholes who post them. Of course one of my most awesome friends sent me a link to simply block all the spoilers if you use Google Chrome.  It got me thinking, however, about the unwritten rules when it comes to spoilers and how we consume media nowadays and internet etiquette and such. And that is what this post is really about…

First I’ll give you the argument that was given to me about why it’s ok for someone to post spoilers. Basically it boils down to the fact that the person’s Facebook page is theirs to do with as they please, and if they are excited about a thing then they are going to talk about it and you can’t stop them. This is all fine and good, but there’s also my mantra to consider: DON’T BE A DICK. I’m not saying don’t post spoilers at all. Just have some self-control and if you just can’t help yourself then please for the love of god warn a person before you ruin it for them. Yes, I get you’re a fan that’s excited about a thing. I am too, which is why I would like you to respect that not everyone can see a movie opening weekend. Hell, you’re lucky I’m seeing it a week later. The last James Bond movie I just saw last week and it had been out for a month at that point. I did not see a single spoiler for that movie though and had to go through very little effort to avoid them. But for some reason Star Wars has its own special rules where if I don’t see the movie opening night then it’s my own damn fault if I get spoiled. Which is unrealistic and somewhat childish IMO.

Now let’s look at the other side of things. In one of the discussions I had it was suggested the appropriate time to wait before one can no longer complain about spoilers is a year for movies and a month for TV shows. I, for one, do not watch TV the night it airs. I usually 1) work nights, and 2) wait until the next day when I can watch it online. I also have a life outside of consuming media and have seen almost none of the fall finales of my favorite shows because of this. I am very grateful to the corners of the internet I tend to frequent that they make it fairly obvious what posts to avoid if I don’t want to be spoiled on a thing.

Movies are a bit different. I rarely go to the theater unless it’s something I think the big screen and such will contribute to the experience (or I just can’t wait for the DVD). This usually means I only really see big ticket items like the Marvel franchise, and I wait for everything else. I pay for the Netflix DVD account, which is way cheaper than going to see all these movies when they premiere. Obviously I’m going to see Star Wars. I’m waiting a week though, so I can watch when visiting my family for Christmas weekend. I get that a lot of people will have already seen the movie by then, but I don’t think it’s fair to tell me I need to avoid the internet or have no right to complain when I get spoiled on things. We live in an age where that is unrealistic. For example, the record label I mentioned at the top of the page? It currently has a crowdfunding campaign going that I need to be able to promote ON THE INTERNET. I need to plaster it on Facebook and Twitter and send email blasts, otherwise how do people know I’m doing this awesome thing? And there are plenty of other nerds where it’s THEIR JOB to be on the internet. It is unrealistic and unfair to expect them to stay offline till they watch a movie just because you can’t put a simple “spoiler warning” on something you post.

That’s the thing that gets me the most… I’m not asking people to refrain from talking about it until I’ve seen it. I realize the world does not revolve around me, and you’re excited about this thing just as much as I am, but don’t be a dick about it. Give me a warning so I know to avoid that post and I can still get the same experience you got when you saw that thing for the first time. I’m sure when I finally see the movie I will want to post about it too. Might even write something up on this ol’ blog here. But rest assured I will either choose my words carefully and/or warn people about spoilers beforehand. It’s the little things like respect that make the internet big enough for all of us.

That’s all I have to say on the matter. Feel free to RESPECTFULLY share your opinion in the comments.

Nerdist does all the things

Yesterday’s post was all about how much Wil Wheaton has been up to lately. Today we focus on another one of my favorite people: Chris Hardwisk *aka* the Nerdist.

I was listening to the Acker & Blacker podcast on my commute to work, and they were talking about scheduling conflicts and how hard it is to get Chris on Thrilling Adventure Hour since he’s always so busy. One of the Bens literally said, “I don’t know how you do all the things”… which got me thinking about just how much Chris Hardwick has become involved in recently.

It all started with some stand-up comedy, a podcast, and a website. (No, Singled Out did not happen, I don’t know what you’re talking about). Slowly Nerdist podcast grew into what is now Nerdist Industries, a company that has many different branches that shoot from it’s tree trunk of awesome. Next we add the “Talking” after-shows for The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. He also recently started his comedy game show @Midnight, which apparently has been doing very well since he’s mentioned on the podcast people have started yelling “POINTS” at him on the street.

With that many different things (which don’t include any guest appearances or tv/movie involvements he might have), it’s hard to imagine how this guy has time for a life, but he keeps talking about a girlfriend so one assumes they do stuff together other than watch each other work. It’s really impressive and makes me wish I could get my shit together as well as he has. It also kinda gives me a warm happy feeling to see this guy succeed, since I’ve always said in an alternate universe Chris and I would be the best of friends. (Editor’s note: I actually was on Chris’s street team for a bit before he got interns to do everything for him).

I know the past couple days have been all about the nerd love. I had ideas that just came to me and I didn’t want to hold them back. Honestly, I could write a book about all the reasons I love my Nerdist, but I’ll leave it here for now. In a couple days I should be doing a post on what I’m calling “season finale week” and then we’ll be back to music reviews and news, most likely. I hope you’ve liked the change of pace because I’m a nerd at heart, and while most of my nerdy posts go on Nerds in Babeland, sometimes I just wanna get real with my audience. Happy Tuesday, folks. Try not to break the tv when Agents of SHIELD finishes tonight!

NY Tech Meetup + others Protest SOPA

I’ve been on an unintentional hiatus for over a month now. I didn’t even realize it had been that long. I have been focusing most of my energy on either personal stuff or my photography website, Pro Fotos On Shuffle. You can find portions of my latest photo project there.

“Does this mean you’ve given up on the blog?” you might be asking now. Or maybe you don’t really care. Why you would be reading this if you didn’t care is beyond me, but to each his own…

Whether you care about this space or not, I would imagine you care about some portion of the internet, or you wouldn’t be here right now. The internet is this indefinable space where ideas spread like wildfire. It’s also something we take for granted as being a safe place for these ideas to form and grow. It is a place for creativity and innovation and freedom. It is also a space that is under attack now, and the saddest thing of all is that a large portion of its inhabitants have not even noticed. That is, at least, until now…

Today various corners of the internet, including reddit, Wikipedia, and Google, gathered together to bring awareness to those who might not have noticed that the freedom they enjoy on the internet is currently being threatened by legislation that could be horribly abused by the wrong people. There was also a physical protest hosted by NY Tech Meetup, which I also attended. My camera was, sadly, dead to the world, but thanks to the powers of technology I was able to capture some of the protest on my iPhone.

SOPA and PIPA may be things the reddit community and other more techie individuals have been familiar with for some time now, but it has not been a largely mainstream issue. My hope is that after today this becomes no longer true, and people start to take notice and do something to protect the freedom that should be guaranteed by all internet dwellers.

Happy Birthday, Felicia Day

News on Shuffle would like to wish Felicia Day a very happy birthday. The actress has been involved with a number of our favorite things, many of which were created by this Joss Whedon character you keep hearing about. Besides guest appearance on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dollhouse, she has also made an appearance on our new favorite show: Lie to Me. Oh, and she is the star of two of the best thing the internets have given us: Dr. Horrible (another Whedon gem) and The Guild (which she not only created, but also somehow roped Wil Wheaton into being the most awesome character EVER. Geeks everywhere unite, for The Guild is something we can all get behind. If you follow Miss Day on Twitter, you know that S4 of The Guild has finished production and will be available for viewing soon. And if you’ve never seen this little geek-tastic wonder before, well what are you waiting for?! Follow the link down the rabbit hole and enjoy. Each episode is pretty short so even though there are 3 seasons it shouldn’t take too long to get through them all. And as a little birthday present for everyone (b/c 3 seasons of The Guild wasn’t enough) here is my favorite scene from Dr Horrible, starring the birthday girl herself.