I Love Tabletop (and going on vacation)

It’s been about a week since my last post, very largely due to the fact I went on vacation. Of course stupid forgot her camera, but I will say Boston is a wonderful town to visit when you have friends to give you the grand tour. That’s how you make Boston Common more than just a park and the Cheers bar a place you force your friend to stop so you can be a tourist for 5 seconds and get a picture on your phone.

While I was on vacation, something really awesome to the nerd community happened – Wil Wheaton’s Indiegogo campaign went over the million dollar mark! It is rare I am this excited to see a project be funded so strongly. Now granted, I was on vacation and cut off from the world for a bit, but doing a cursory search on the interwebz shows me that this news has not been published nearly as much as when Amanda Palmer had similar success with her Kickstarter. I know nerds can be loud when they want to be, so it bums me out that people don’t recognize how huge a deal this is. It’s not like Wheaton had the power of Neil Gaiman to help spread the word about this. He just had a community of nerds scrambling together to make their corner of the internet a little better. Don’t get me wrong, I have no ill feelings toward Palmer or Gaiman. On the contrary, Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors and I’ve enjoyed Palmer’s music since The Dresden Dolls were a thing. I’m just a little disappointed this didn’t seem to get the same press…

Thanks for being patient with this filler post. Things go back to normal now that I’m back. I’ll probably have a real post for you in a day or two but undecided if it’s going to be music or tv related as of yet. In the meantime, feel free to comment on anything I had to say here. (Especially if I’m wrong and was just living in a hole for a week). I welcome anyone to tell me to “shut the f— up in the nicest way possible. Until next time, PLAY MORE GAMES.

Shayfer James’ Red Room

New York local artist Shayfer James has released a 6-song album, “Red Room Vol 2,” which can be yours exclusively if you donate to his indiegogo campaign today. The album is filled with the hauntingly beautiful and piano driven music you would expect if you’ve heard James’ other works, including his last album, “Counterfeit Arcade,” which was released in 2011.

In his campaign, which is to fund his new album “Haunted Things,” he states that “Red Room Vol 2” was recorded in 8 hours, but that certainly doesn’t mean a lack of quality. Each song will leave some impression on you. If you’ve never heard of Shayfer James before, 1) I’m sorry; 2) you can hear samples of his work on his bandcamp page. After you’ve been wowed by the past, I hope you consider donating towards the future. I don’t have advanced knowledge, but I’m confident Haunted Things will live up to it’s name and haunt you in the best way possible.