Happy 2015!

New year, new possibilities. Unfortunately for us here at News on Shuffle the new year started with our site having to be temporarily taken down, thus preventing me from doing my traditional new years post. Fear not, gentle reader, for we are back now after moving our hosting *blah blah blah insert tech stuff here*. Thanks to the man behind the scenes for taking care of that stuff so I don’t have to.

Moving right along… I have some things I planned for the end of last year that got pushed back due to the fact moving your entire life is really tiring and time consuming and my brain just couldn’t handle that and also being creative and funny and stuff. There are still boxes that are unpacked, but I’m mostly settled in now and hopefully things will go back to what passes for normal around here. I was really proud of the content I put out last year, but I know I can do better. And I shall! So yeah, there are two reviews I still owe you and am ashamed I haven’t gotten around to yet. And a third that was sent to me yesterday and am pretty excited about because of how this person found me. Oh, and I’m following a band on tour for a few days and hopefully will have some awesome pics to share when I get back. Yep, lots of cool things to look forward to…

Not to end this on a bad note, but there is one bit of entertainment news I should report on before I go.



I’m sorry, but I’m rather upset about this news and have been binge watching a ton of stuff on my queue before it goes away. I’m currently wrapping up the last few episodes of Robin Hood, which lasted three seasons. I have to say the first two seasons were AMAZEBALLS but the third one I’m still not sure about. There were a lot of changes at the end of season 2 (don’t worry, no spoilers) that I’m not super happy about. There are some new characters added for season 3, but I only really love one of them and the rest are just a feeble attempt to replace those lost from the season before. Having said all that, I would definitely give the show a try for at least the first two seasons before it goes away and you have to *gasp* rent the DVDs. Also do your last bit of Doctor Who watching and catch that last season of Torchwood you never got around to because those are going away too. And if comedy is more your style, maybe give Fawlty Towers or A Bit of Fry and Laurie a try. John Cleese is great as the owner of a hotel in Fawlty Towers, and Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie are great together in Fry and Laurie. The show is mostly just the two of them, but it never feels stale at all. I marathon-ed an entire season in a day. Granted it was just 7 episodes, but still, it’s pretty darn funny and you should give it a try.

That’s all for now. I’ll let you go binge watch some tv and see you again on the other side.