Dragon Age Day 2019

If you frequent Twitter, you may have noticed #DragonAgeDay has been trending. That is because today is the unofficial holiday fans of the video game series celebrate their love for it and what it means to them. I tweeted a little something myself and have been sharing other people’s posts, but I actually need way more characters to express my love for this series than Twitter will allow me. Which brings me to the rare and mystical blog post you never expect from me anymore. I always say I’m going to try to be better at posting and never do, so I’m not going to do that this time. I’m just going to talk enthusiastically about a video game for a few minutes then say see you again in a few months, probably when the new season of Doctor Who starts.

My Dragon Age story happens a little out of order. My partner and I were looking for games to play together, but a lot of multiplayer games we are into are online and not split screen, and since we live together and share a tv and console that doesn’t really work. He knows I’m super into fantasy (seeing how my other obsession is Critical Role), so he wanted to introduce me to Dragon Age. In an effort to still be able to play together, we have a system where he does the fighting but we make choices together. He started me on DA2 and I immediately fell in love with every single companion I met. The story is great, the banter and dialogue is fun, and the world completely sucks you in. I romanced Merrill and struggled with every choice I made involving her story (I’m going to try to keep this as spoiler free as possible just in case someone hasn’t played the games but I make no promises about my comments section). I’m currently on my second play-through and romancing my pirate queen Isabella this time. No matter what my main story will always be the same – pro-mage until the day I die.

My play-through of DA2 the partner had already played the game, so he knew what happens and just didn’t tell me. Inquisition we both played for the first time together. We experienced every up and down not knowing what would happen. He chose a Qunari because it was the first time Bioware made it a playable race. I’m currently starting my second go round and playing an elf mage. Planning to romance the heck out of Dorian, but the first time I didn’t really romance anyone. Dorian was the only character I super loved, and he only likes dudes, even if my female Qunari was super buff and could kick most guys collective asses.

Isn’t he pretty (but also a badass)?

There’s so much to do in Inquisition it’s hard to focus on anything other than what the collective fandom is obsessing over – that ending and what it means for DA4.


While we all patiently wait for the new game to arrive, I’m just grateful that not only did the series give me something to share with my partner, I was also able to pass that joy up the latter to my dad. I grew up playing games on the computer with him when I was a little girl. He recently started getting into everything Steam has to offer and asked me for suggestions. I immediately told him to go download Origins (which I skipped over, but I promise I went back and played it eventually and yes of course romanced Zevran). This Thanksgiving, while visiting my parents, I asked Dad how the game was coming. He’s still working out some of the fighting mechanics and was stuck on the fight when the Crows ambush you. I gave him a few pointers and helped him pick the best equipment and party possible and he finally made it through. Enjoy hanging out with my virtual boyfriend!

This very long post was mostly to say thank you to everyone at Bioware who made this game that I get to enjoy with my family. Thank you to DA twitter for sharing your art and enthusiasm with me. And thank you, dear reader, for letting me ramble about one of my favorite things for a few minutes. I promise I’ll update you when DA4 finally comes out and tell you who I romanced.