Via Audio – Natural Language

Via Audio - Natural Language coverAt first I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say about Via Audio’s most recent album, Natural Language, which was released March 25th of this year. I knew I liked it, but a review needs to be more than “me like-y, you buy now please”. While staring at the album cover it hit me… this album is prefect driving music for a road trip (or walking around music on a nice day). It’s got electronic sounds that somehow are both soothing and uplifting, which I can’t even describe how they achieve that bit of magnificence. That’s the problem I guess. See, I’m used to the kind of electronic/pop music that mentally places me at a dance club, not roaming around in nature. But that is what Natural Language achieves. I guess that just means the title fits… so take a break from the daily grind and enjoy the sights and sounds of spring with Via Audio.