Old 97’s – Most Messed Up

First off, this is going to be just as much a review about Rhett Miller as it is about Old 97’s new album Most Messed Up. Now, to business…

I think the first time I ever heard Miller was when he had the hit “I Need To Know Where You Stand” on the radio (I believe that was 2009). I was in college at the time and the song was very appropriate for a situation I was in (let’s just leave it at that). Point is, I identified with it and went searching for more from Miller. That is when I discovered the Old 97’s…

Fast-forward to present day. I currently work at a music venue in NYC that Miller plays quite frequently. His last trip there he played a lot of new songs from Most Messed Up (which he had teased it’s production the visit before). So, as I listened to the finished product, it was more like hearing from an old friend than the average review would.

As I mentioned before, Miller played a lot of songs off this new album at the last show I saw him at. One of the most memorable parts of the night was a comment he made about a trend in the album of songs being about drinking and women. With songs like “Let’s Get Drunk & Get It On” you can see what he means. (Side note: this was one of my favorite songs I got a preview of that night, and still held true when I listened to the album). That should show you that I don’t find the focus on drinking and whatever to be a bad thing. Yeah I’m a female, but my X chromosome likes whiskey just as much as my Y chromosome does.

No doubt about it, this album is a fun alt-county romp from the eyes of one of the best musicians I’ve seen roll through the doors where I work. (Seriously, Miller’s guitar playing and personality will never cease to amaze me). You can only imagine how much more blown away I was hearing these songs with the full sound the band delivered (I’m used to just seeing Miller solo on his guitar). This glowing review comes from someone who doesn’t typically listen to the genre, but there’s just so much good old fashioned rock n roll mixed in with that country twang that I can’t help but love it. Makes me want to roll down the windows, feel the wind through my hair, and KRANK THAT SUCKER UP.

old 97s most-messed-up

Most Messed Up will be available for purchase April 29th, but you can pre-order it on the Old 97’s website.