Chris Hardwick @ Caroline’s

Do you like comedy? No? Well then there’s something wrong with you. (I mean, who doesn’t like to laugh?)

For those of you who do like a good laugh, well then have I got the show for you.

OFFICIAL FLYER TIME *dramatic music plays in the background*

Sorry, I’m being silly. But a comedy show should be presented in a fun-loving way. And a series of comedy shows is a whole lot of fun. With six different shows to choose from over the course of four days, it’s hard to find an excuse why you’re not going to this thing. Unless you’re one of those ones from before who doesn’t like to laugh. You should probably go work on that.

Chris Hardwick can be found on the internets at one of these locations: Twitter, Facebook, and at (which is the title link for today). Tickets for his show can be purchased online or by calling the box office (number on the flyer).

When Two Loves Collide

If you are a regular follower of this blog then you should notice at this point certain musical artists and television shows get more coverage than others. You probably have also figured out my love/obsession with the new series “Glee”. You have not been exposed to my obsession with Doctor Who and all things related (mostly that means David Tennant and John Barrowman).
Now usually I try to keep it as professional as possible around here. That means it’s ok to talk about something I love, but try to be objective and not, well, squee like a little girl just because I am excited about something. I also try to not use the word “I” all the time (which was doing good up till now, I think). See, there I go again. And again. It’s all downhill from here. But that’s what love does to you. It makes you forget yourself sometimes. So pardon me as I share my story: when two loves collide.
As I said before, I love “Glee” with a passion only other musical geeks could possibly understand. So when I found out one of my new favorite actors, John Barrowman, was in talks to possibly be on the show, of course there was joy. In fact, I screamed. One of those silent screams that makes people wonder if you’re having an episode of some kind. I already had heard about his upcoming appearance on Desperate Housewives (another of my favorite shows). And I knew there was a small chance he could be appearing in the American version of Torchwood. (He claims that he doesn’t know but my theory is that it just isn’t official yet). But, I digress.
So Glee. And John Barrowman. Who has a new CD and has already shown he has talent both acting and singing. Yeah, sounds good to me.

Things to do if you don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day

For a lot of reasons that make me seem more bitter than I really am, I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Just because you don’t have a Valentine this year doesn’t mean you have to sit in a dark room and mope though. Here are some possible things to do this Valentine’s Day that don’t involve crying into your popcorn during that cheesy romance flick.

1) Anti Valentine’s Day party – Get some friends together, throw on some great dance beats, and party it up with the people who matter most. Any excuse to have a party is good in my book, and I have definitely had them with less reason. Theme should involve any color but red (maybe make it rainbow colored so you don’t discriminate). For food options it really depends on the crowd. Personally I am liking the idea of pizza and buffalo wings. Maybe some chips and dip as well. Just whatever you and your friends will enjoy the most. Make it a celebration of life!

2) Go to a concert – There are plenty of shows you could go to on any given day, and I am sure Valentine’s Day is no exception to this. Grab a mate and go rock out to some good tunes.

3) Another music option is go clubbing with a friend. Or hit the bar scene with them. Or both. Maybe you will get lucky and find your Valentine for next year…

4) If you don’t feel like going out or making huge plans then staying in is an option too. Plan a movie night with your friends or roommate. With the Oscars coming up you could use the time to get acquainted with the nominees for this year. Personally, I will be watching District 9, since I missed it when it was in theaters.

5) If you would rather be alone then that is fine too. Or maybe you just can’t find anyone else to hang with. Whatever the reason, there is still plenty you could do. Curl up with a good book and catch up on some reading. Or if you’re more of a gamer then there are plenty of games you could occupy your time with today. Whatever your interest, there is plenty to keep you from hiding under the covers today. So go out there and enjoy your day!

Just Do It

We all do it: over-analyze that tough decision to the point of madness. It’s easy to say “stop thinking too much and just do it” but not necessarily as easy to do. Studies suggest that our instincts actually are likely to be right and that thinking things through too much will only lead to fear and stop you from acting. It is always better to do something rather than nothing though. Whether it is going after the promotion you want or asking the person you are interested in out, inaction will only lead to regrets. The results may not be what you hoped for, but at least you can say that you tried.

PNC on Notice

I recently attended a concert at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ and have a few complaints I would like to share with the management.

1) If you are going to post a list of prohibited items on your website, please make sure it is COMPLETE. Having a basic item like a purse be restricted due to its size will cause many problems unless advance notice is given.

2) Prices: Charging twice the amount that items normally cost is criminal. I get that things are going to cost more at a venue like this but if it would have been cheaper to eat in New York then that is just ridiculous.

3) Organization: You’re parking lot is a maze. Please make signs clearer and make it easier for people who were dropped off to be picked up. My ride paid several more tolls than was necessary because he had to keep getting on and off the parkway.

The only thing I didn’t really have much complaint about was the actually staging. Sound quality was decent (although I have heard better) and even lawn seats have a decent view of the stage. Just need to work on the above mentioned issues and you could really have something here. I will say that those who drive as a group and get the full experience probably enjoy themselves more. My problem is for those who have transportation issues. Yes there is a train and shuttle you can take, but it is a long ride for most who would take it and costs money. The parking and driving issues that you could possibly encounter almost make it worth it to take the train, however. I guess it is all a matter of perspective.

Helpful DIY Hints

Even though summer is almost over that doesn’t mean that basement and loft shows have to go along with it. Here are some helpful hints to get the most out of your show:

1) DIY may have a great feel, but only if you plan ahead. Make sure you keep in mind how well air circulates in your loft or basement and factor in how crowded you expect it to be. Too many people + not enough air could = a ride in the ambulance for the fainting king or queen. Also make sure you have plenty of water or remind people to bring their own.

2) If you share your building with others or live in a populated area you may want to test sound levels to make sure volume isn’t so obnoxiously loud that you get noise violations. Remember, if the super doesn’t like you then no more cool shows happen at your space.

3) Don’t overcrowd the elevator. There may be other parties going on, but that doesn’t mean the blame couldn’t fall on you if the elevator breaks down. Make sure people go in small groups or suggest taking the stairs (especially if you only live on the second or third floor). This is obviously more for lofts than basements.

Most important of all is to remember that you are there to have fun. This isn’t meant to be a list of rules to follow. This is more a suggestion of things to consider so that you can enjoy your time without having to worry about the authorities coming and ruining your evening.

Technology’s Double-Edged Sword

It is hard to deny that we are living in the technology age. The main form of communication now is either email or cellphone. We use social networking sites like Facebook to keep in touch with friends rather than pick up the phone and call them. And then there is Twitter, which this blog did a small feature on just yesterday. But with all the good technology can do for us it is just as dangerous, for every computer owner knows that it is only a matter of time before the wonderful little machine crashes on us. After the initial anger at the inconvenience of the thing there is the inevitable panic of “Oh God, what if I just lost everything.” Then there is the scramble to find the problem and, hopefully, a solution. Some get lucky and resolve the issue right away, but others are not so fortunate. Those are the ones who tuck the lifeless entity under their arms and march over to the nearest computer store begging for a new fix. The sad thing is there isn’t much we can do about this. The computer is in our system now, for better or worse. We gave ourselves to it and will have to suffer the consequences. It’s not all bad though. Just think about the endless amounts of information we receive in return for the occasional tiff with the infernal machine. And as long as our famous last words don’t become, “Computers will never completely take over,” we should all be fine.

Mother Nature Sings the Blues

This summer has been a good one in terms of musical events but it would seem mother nature is not a fan. Everyone was excited to hear No Doubt would be going on tour, but New Jersey may have been disappointed by the lack of sun for their PNC date in June. A similar complaint could also be shared for those who attended All Points West (or tried to anyway). Hopefully Blink 182 will be able to break this cycle with their August 26th performance at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ. My ticket has been sitting in a safe spot all summer, just waiting for the opportunity to make the day of this self-proclaimed music junkie. While I am hoping for the best, I can’t ignore Jersey’s track record so far with outdoor events. That is why I am thinking of contracting someone to start building me an ark. You know what they say, “Better safe than sorry.”

A Proclamation

Here ye, here ye!

Where it has been decided that I should become more involved in promotions and the music business,

and where it has been recognized that the author is much too random to stick to one topic,

a proclamation has been made that this blog be created so as to bring you the latest news in all subjects the author deems worthy of mention. This may include anything from upcoming movies to what’s happening in the world of politics, but mostly it will focus on the music scene. So tune in for upcoming dates and news on all your, well my, favorite bands.

Get ready now, because this is the News on Shuffle.