The Consequences of Our Actions

I have an article all written out for this week’s “Monday Musings” that I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday. I normally would have posted it today, but as I reread it to do some last minute edits, I realized I could not pretend like there wasn’t something monumental to talk about. So content warning, because we are going to talk about the Derek Chauvin trial. Tomorrow I will post what should’ve gone up yesterday.

By now you probably have heard the news that Chauvin was convicted on all 3 counts today – 2nd degree manslaughter, 3rd degree murder, 2nd degree unintentional murder. It took the jury 10 hours to find him guilty. It’s telling that I thought it would be a longer debate and was terrified the verdict would be “not guilty” despite the evidence. I’m relieved Chauvin will face the consequences of his actions. I celebrate this historical moment and hope it is the start of a real shift in policing in America. There’s so much work left to do, but I hope George Floyd’s family can get some level of peace or comfort knowing his murderer will not be allowed to hurt anyone else.

Tomorrow this space goes back to talking about video games and other nerd things. Today it reminds you BLACK LIVES MATTER and today we actually did something to make that more than just a slogan. I want to live in a country I’m not embarrassed by, one where people of color don’t have to fear for their lives. I know it will be work, but I believe we can make that country a reality, starting with holding police accountable for their actions.

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