Doctor Who – Flesh and Stone

*As always, Spoilers ahead*

When last we left The Doctor and Co, they were trapped by an army of Weeping Angels. That is exactly where we pick things up this week, with the aftermath of The Doctor firing the gun he borrowed from Father Octavian up into the air. They have jumped up onto the ship that had crashed and away from the Angels – but not for long.

The Angels follow them onboard the ship, and with that the chase is on. At this point it is important to note that Amy seems to be counting down from 10. The audience notices this (or should) as does The Doctor. Also worth noting is the crack in time has made a surprise early appearance. That is because it is going to become the focus of the rest of the episode. The Doctor says it is pure time energy and the end of the universe. That doesn’t sound very good to me…

Back to the thing with the counting though… turns out there is an Angel inside Amy’s mind (from back when she had a staring contest with the one) and it is kinda just chilling in the vision center of her brain. The Doctor has her close her eyes to “starve” the Angel. Problem: she can’t open her eyes or the process will start up again and she will die. I loved how this sort of switched things up from what we were used to when dealing with the Angels – instead of “don’t blink” and have to keep staring we now aren’t allowed to open our eyes.

At this point the story with the crack starts to take precedence. The Doctor explains something about there’s going to be a very big bang and things will collide and *poof* a crack in time will emerge and bring about the end of the universe. This particular crack seems to originate from Amy’s time. The Doctor ponders, “what would happen if time could run out?” and I start clinging to the edge of my seat. I knew this was going to be our story arc from early on, but it was still cool watching it play out. This is the reason that Amy couldn’t remember the Daleks. And these memory lapses aren’t going to be the last thing the crack in time changes. People are forgetting things, as if time is being altered. And it seems to affect the Angels as well – they all run in fear from the light (which is shaped like the crack in the wall).

I’ve noticed this pattern that The Doctor and Amy seem to split up a lot. Is it just me, or did that not happen nearly this often in past seasons? I’m not sure how I feel about him always leaving her behind or letting her fend for herself. It’s as if he just thinks she will get in the way. And then he wonders why she doesn’t trust him…

While Amy is dealing with cracks in time making her guards disappear one by one, The Doctor is with Father Octovian, who gets caught by one of the Angels. Before he dies he tells The Doctor that River was in prison for killing a man and that she can’t be trusted. My reaction – River killed someone?! WTF?!

Finally we see a merging of the two stories going on (Amy, the Angels, the crack, all of it). Now that Amy is all alone The Doctor has realized just how dangerous that crack can be. “If the time energy catches up to you, you will never have been born,” he warns her. Amy has to literally walk blind and try to get to The Doctor while staying ahead of the time energy. The crack is hungry and needs to be fed. I loved The Doctor’s comment at this point, “The Angels came to feed on the time energy, and now it’s going to feed on them.” I loved the irony in this, but not as much as what happened next.

The Doctor feeds the Angels to the crack to get it to close! The crack is not gone forever though. The explosion that created it in the first place is still happening somewhere in the universe. This means we have not seen the last of this story arc. As for River and the “good man” she killed – could it possibly be The Doctor? If she cared about him as much as she seems to have, then why kill him though? And when The Doctor says, “Time can be rewritten,” is he referring to the person River killed? I tried figuring out River’s timeline with The Doctor in my head but it just made my head hurt.

Going back to the story though… The Doctor returns Amy home, they snog a little bit, and The Doctor has a light bulb moment where it all suddenly makes sense. Except it doesn’t entirely make sense to this blogger. I get that it has something to do with Amy but that is all. And it seems that we are dropping this until the season finale, especially since the date they mentioned in the show was 26-06-2010 – June 26, 2010 for those Americans who might not be used to this way of writing the date. Looks like we’re going to just have to take what we have so far and enjoy the ride as it happens. No spoilers!

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