Desperate Housewives – I Guess This Is Goodbye

Wow. Wow. Wow. To this entire season of Desperate Housewives. Just, wow. Two things I must warn you of before you proceed any further in this post. 1) Obviously if you haven’t watched yet then you should hold off as there will be spoilers. 2) I’m going to try and break this down by storyline but since there is some crossover between the characters that will get tricky (especially towards the end). I’ll do the best I can though and hopefully you can follow along.

Lynette – We picked up right where we left off with Lynette – she has just found out Eddie is the Fairview Strangler and is now being held hostage. So of course this is the moment her water decides to break. She begs him to take her to the hospital, but he is worried that she will tell someone about what he has done. Just as he relents is when Tom shows up at the house looking for Lynette. By the time he leaves it is too late and she is ready to give birth. My thoughts: Fastest. Labor. EVER. I mean really now, Tom wasn’t there that long and she is already rearing to get this baby out. And the rest of it seemed to go by just as fast. I realize they only have an hour and there are other stories but there was no indication that any significant amount of time had passed here. At least give us that. On the other hand, things moving that quickly added to the tension, so I guess I can forgive the writers on those grounds. And it was great seeing Eddie deliver the baby. After all of the lives he has taken, he finally gets the chance to bring one into the world. When the whole birthing process has finished, Lynette tries to act like a Mom to Eddie and advises him not to run. People have complained that she has been blind to his secret and should have known better but I think deep down she always cared for him as if he were her son. I was glad to see she never gave up on him and finally got him to do the right thing. Kudos to the writers for giving a serial killer a heart and making us actually feel for him. I hope that Eddie gets the help he needs to sort out his psychological problems and ultimately ends up living with Lynette and becoming part of her family.

Bree – Last week Sam had blackmailed her with info he found out about Andrew. She shares this latest development with her family, and they try to convince her not to give in to his blackmail. Andrew even offers to turn himself in, but she doesn’t want to see her son go to jail. She sells Sam the business with as much class and dignity as only Bree can offer in even the murkiest of times. I thought she handled herself very well, telling Sam she felt sorry for him instead of getting angry. After the transfer is complete, Orson argues with her about the similarities between the situation with Andrew and when she sent Orson to jail for a similar crime. Orson is disappointed that she does not hold Andrew to the same high standards that she had held him to and tells her that he is leaving. So to recap: they spend all season fighting and after they finally start working together as a family he decides to leave her. Right then, moving on… Bree knows Orson is right (and I kinda did too) and asks Andrew permission to tell Gaby the truth. All we see is Bree telling Gaby they need to talk but it is assumed that is what they are talking about. Aftermath of this will have to be dealt with in the next season. It is safe to assume that Gaby will not be happy, but is there a chance she doesn’t tell Carlos? After all, I feel like there was no love loss between Gaby and Carlos’ mother. He is the one more likely to blow a gasket over this. Would Gaby keep this secret to protect her friend? And is there any way Andrew goes to jail without Carlos figuring out why? Guess we can add that to the list of questions for next season.

Susan – Last week, Susan had announced she was moving from her house and renting it out to make enough money to pay all her bills. This week we see her making preparations for the move. There is a garage sale and a slightly comedic moment involving a T-Rex, but overall there is only one thing that is really important in this story – the moment I finally cared. I have been very vocal in past weeks how I felt about this story. Most of it was because everything else going on around this story was so much bigger that it just got left in the dust, in my opinion. When Susan was having her meltdown moment with Mike and blaming him for having to leave the house her kids grew up in, it finally hit me how big this was for them. And the story is about to get a whole lot bigger, considering who the new resident is that’s moving in to their house. Anyone remember Mary Alice? Of course you do, she only narrates the show! Well her hubby is moving back on the Lane – and into Susan’s house. Looks like things are going to get a whole lot more interesting on that front. My biggest question is probably shared by all of you – What is he doing back on Wisteria Lane? Something tells me it is not to catch up with all his old neighbors. Big things are going to happen, just you wait.

Gaby – There was some crossover with Gaby and Angie, but I’m going to try to separate their stories as best as I can. Last week Angie had snuck a note to Gaby instructing her to tell Nick what their situation was. He asks her to drive him to the house to get them out. She does, but Nick passes out just as they arrive. Now it is all up to Gaby. Ok, crossover time here. Susan comes over to say goodbye and Gaby sends her to Angie’s to use her as a distraction while she goes to try and free Danny. Susan’s part is actually way shorter here than I expected it to be. I honestly thought her part would be much bigger, in order to make her overall story more interesting. But this is supposed to be about Gaby now. She climbs through the window and unties him just as they hear the explosion that is Patrick’s car blowing up. (More on that when I talk about Angie). Gaby gives the Bolens enough money to get out of dodge and start fresh. I love that she has always been the most superficial of the ladies, but ends up showing how big her heart can truly be here. It showed another layer to the character that made her seem more real. More kudos to the writers on that one.

Angie – Finally we get to my favorite story of the show (as well as the reason this was my favorite season yet). Last week Patrick had asked Angie to build him a bomb. Once she finishes he tells her that she will be accompanying him to Oregon, where he plans to detonate the bomb. Except he leaves the bomb inside her house instead… WTF?! It all makes sense when he explains how badly he was hurt by her actions in taking Danny and that he wants to make her suffer just as much as he did. He tells her she has 30 seconds to try to save Danny. She starts running but suddenly stops, turns, and waves to Patrick. Turns out she actually put the bomb in the detonator. We watch as the car explodes. I’m not sure what was louder, the car exploding or my gasp at all these events happening at once. (Gaby trying to untie Danny happens at the same time as the events leading up to the bomb exploding). For a minute I was really scared the house would blow up with Danny and Gaby inside. Nick and Angie move to start their new life in Atlanta, but send Danny to live in New York with his grandmother. And me? I mourn the end of the greatest story Desperate Housewives ever told. I was really starting to get attached to the Bolen family and am sad to see them go. I know a huge part of what made this story great for me was the addition of John Barrowman and his character interacting with Angie but by the end of the season I really just loved this family and wanted them to stick around longer. They made for a great addition to Wisteria Lane and will be missed.

There was one other story involving a dying nurse who confessed something in her final moments. We don’t know all the details, but it involves one of the ladies on Wisteria Lane raising a child that isn’t really theirs. This will likely be one of the main stories for next season, along with the stuff I already brought up.

So all you Desperate fans… what did you think of the season and its final moments? Liked it? Loved it? Was a little disappointed? Looking forward to all your comments so don’t hold back.

3 thoughts on “Desperate Housewives – I Guess This Is Goodbye”

  1. Pretty good. Just dont think Eddie should ever get out of jail after what he did. I think he could control his actions and needs to go to jail or the death row.

  2. Isn't it quite obvious who got switched at birth?
    To quote Lynette from this episode:
    You told me your life would have turned out differently if I would have been your mom


  3. Lynette being Eddie's real Mom certainly is a possibility that I would fully support. It would give him a real reason to stay on the show (as opposed to Lynette just taking him in). Wouldn't that have to mean one of her kids isn't really hers though? And the only ones that are the right age are twins, so that is unlikely. If I had to take a guess I would say it was Bree they were talking about. We have a whole summer to think this through, so keep those comments coming.

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