Everybody Loves Lost

*Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! Spoilers ahead! If you have not watched this week’s episode of Lost yet then proceed with caution. You have been WARNED.*

After last week’s episode of Lost, I finally started developing a real working theory about what is going on this season and how the series is likely to end. The episode really was one of the defining moments of this season. We see that there is definite crossover between the Sideways world and the island. We also seem to be gradually demonstrating that certain people are destined to meet. Also, Desmond seems to be the one connecting them all. This reminds me of Jacob’s role before he “died”. If this is the case, I wonder what his death on the island would mean for the show (assuming he is dead, that is). Another theory could be that only one version of each character is allowed to survive future events before some kind of merge happens (?). If that is true, then we can expect more deaths for the future. It also might be a second chance for those already lost (Charlie, Libby). Speaking of Libby, when the doctor mentioned she had issues with reality, I couldn’t help but think, “Issues with reality, or more in touch with it?” It would seem the latter, since Hurley eventually remembered (via the ever classic “magic kiss”, no less). And finally, quote of the night comes from Ben: “No sooner does she tell you who you are then she blows up. The island was done with her. Makes me wonder what it’s going to do when it’s done with us.” Good question, Ben. Good question.

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