24: 9-10am recap

Tonight brought us another action-packed episode of the final season of 24. Let’s take a look, shall we?


First of all, I have to say I don’t think I have ever seen Jack look as broken as he did in the opening of this hour. Still reeling from the loss of Renee, Jack looked like a man who didn’t know where to turn next. The nurse at the hospital asked if he was going to be alright. I honestly wasn’t sure that he would be.

Next we turn to former President Charles Logan. Who else thinks it is possibly the worst idea ever to be trusting him as much as President Taylor has? Normally Taylor is big on principles, but she seems willing to go to any length to make sure this peace treaty goes through. Is it right to essentially blackmail the Russian government to make this happen though? And how does this help create a meaningful and lasting peace?

Of course Dana Walsh is the one who knows everything Jack needs to know to find the people who had Renee killed. Once this was established, I looked forward to him interrogating her. Is that wrong?

But back to Logan… I really have to say, I don’t trust the man. He obviously only cares about his own interests. Also, how does he know about the Russian involvement in the days events? AND WHY DIDN’T HE TRY TO STOP THEM?! Oh, right, cause all he cares about is himself. And obviously this has helped put him back in a position of power within our government. I didn’t think I could hate him any more than I already did. That was until he started trying to make Jack look like the bad guy and get President Taylor to turn against him. I was proud of Taylor for sticking to her principles. Or rather, I was until later when she told Jack to stand down. After everything that Jack has done for her and the country, he deserves at least this much.

Finally I have a morality question for you. President Taylor argues that this is all for the greater good. That if this is what it takes to get the peace treaty signed then it is worth it. I am not entirely sure how I feel about this. It seems to me that getting the peace treaty signed means nothing if it is done in this manner. Also, Hassan’s daughter should know who she is dealing with before signing the treaty. These people are responsible for her husband’s death. She and her daughter have a right to know who destroyed their family. Logan has put President Taylor in an impossible situation, but she is responding just as he wants her to and it is wrong.

Which brings me to the quote of the night:
Jack: I want justice.
Pres. Taylor: And I want peace. If there was another way to get it I would but there’s not.

Debate time.

What did you think of tonight’s episode? Do you think President Taylor is doing the right thing? Or is Jack the one who is right in pursuing this, despite orders to the contrary? I would love to hear what others have to say on the matter.