Doctor Who – Amy’s Choice

Sorry about the late posting here. I wish I could say I have lots for you, but this one had so many twists and turns I tried to just keep it simple. So, without further ado, I present – Amy’s Choice.

The opening scene showed Amy pregnant (which made me think – This can’t be real!). Then The Doctor shows up and says something about it being 5 years later. I barely had enough time to owner if maybe this was real before they fall asleep and wake up in the TARDIS. Confused yet? Yeah, I was too.

Eventually I figured out that they’re switching between the real world and a dream world. And it’s all thanks to some Dream Lord character. One world’s real, one world’s not, and they have to figure out which one’s which. It was loads of fun trying to follow both worlds and guessing which one was the real one. Both worlds have a danger in them – in one they are in danger of freezing to death and the other they are being chased by a dangerous alien species that has hidden itself in the bodies of the elderly. At first it seems like the episode won’t have anything to do with the overall story arc, but by about midway point I realized this is all about Amy and how she is split between these two worlds. She loves Rory but knows life with him will probably be quite boring in comparison to her life with The Doctor. So even though there is no romantic attachment to The Doctor there still is conflict in terms of where she wants to be. I know, I should have seen this a lot sooner given the title of the episode, but your Blogger can be a bit slow at times. Which is ok, because Amy can be a bit slow too and takes forever to finally commit to something and make her choice. Of course it takes Rory “dying” for her to realize that is who she wants to be with.

Shocking twist: BOTH WORLDS WERE A DREAM. So people guessing which one was the dream world – you were right and wrong at the same time. And those guessing which world was real, well, you were all wrong. Also, The Doctor says the Dream Lord was really him. I guess the purpose was a life lesson for all of them.

As always, there was a Doctor Who Confidential that went with the episode. This week we got some behind-the-scenes stuff that kinda made me wish I was there (mostly because they seem to be having loads of fun together). Much love especially to Arthur Darvill (Rory), who has been a great addition to the cast.

Doctor Who will be on again next week at 9pm. The next episode is Hungry Earth.

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